
New Innovations in Email Marketing – Episode 1

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New Innovations in Email Marketing – Episode 1

10 New Innovations in Email Marketing- EP: 1

Keeping your strategy flexible in this ever-changing email marketing landscape is crucial to stay ahead in this dynamic industry. Staying on top of the ever-changing environment requires you to have a flexible approach.



Innovations in Email Marketing 2022



This blog post will ensure you know what emerging email innovations will be happening in 2022 and beyond.



#1: Featuring User-Generated Content: Subscription emails that feature customer testimonials and ratings will increase sales by fostering trust among subscribers. The power of customer feedback can be harnessed by any business, regardless of size. Using social proof builds trust with subscribers, stands out from the crowd, and grows your business.



#2: Using AMP Emails: As all interactions will happen inside the email client, AMP Emails will change the way users interact with brands!


Say, for instance, you booked a hotel through a travel portal just recently. Afterward, you received an email about a survey regarding the hotel. How awesome is that! With AMP-powered emails, you can fill out the survey right in your email instead of redirected to the travel site.


You can browse and interact with dynamically generated content like videos, GIFs, and graphics in a matter of moments with AMP for Email! A user can sign up for an event, browse an online store catalog, or complete a form without leaving the Email client when AMP is operational. Gmail will roll out the feature in its web client first, then its mobile client. It will, over time, be implemented by other ISPs such as Yahoo, Outlook,, etc.



#3: Adopting Brand Indicators For Message Identification: Nearly half of all consumers do not open an email unless they can identify the brand that sends it, based on the DMA Consumer Tracking Email Report.


Adding your brand’s name to the email preheader or sender name will make your brand more recognizable. Having your logo adjacent to your email will assist recipients in recognizing your brand, and in turn, increase your email deliverability. You can accomplish it by using Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). Besides enhancing your visibility, it will also protect your brand from fraud emails.


You will be able to distinguish your logo from generic letters from inbox providers when you use BIMI. 


With BIMI, brands can now show their logo to make subscribers confident that it comes from an authentic sender, which had not been possible before.



#4: Adhering to Privacy Regulations: A series of privacy faux pas from Facebook and Google and other recent security breaches that exposed consumers’ details have made consumers apprehensive about the safety of their online data. Introducing privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA will increase fines for data breaches, and email marketers must adhere to legal email marketing guidelines.



#5: Humanizing Your Email Marketing Automation: The content of automated emails should reflect an informal, conversational tone rather than a robotic tone urging the reader to buy the product.


Your first step should be to use a credible sender name. You need to provide the context in your emails to understand why they received them. Be sure not to overwhelm your subscribers by sending out automated emails too frequently. The central topic of each campaign should be relevant to the recipient without straying from it.



The list is not over yet. We got five more innovations in email marketing in our next blog. To read the next episode, please click here.





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