
Email Marketing Segmentation Benefits and Best Practices

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Email Marketing Segmentation Benefits and Best Practices

Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Segmentation

Although one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, Email Marketing is the best way to get in touch with your audience. Its success, though, lies in segmentation, i.e. the ability to deliver relevant emails to people at the most opportune time. Segmentation is key to enhancing your email marketing strategy as it ensures emails against getting labelled as spam by email service providers. Email segmentation divides your subscribers into smaller groups based on a set of characteristics that helps you deliver more personalized emails


What Is the Advantage of a Segmented Email List


Email Marketing Segmentation

Email marketing segmentation is a strategy that helps brands align their marketing messages and campaigns to the interests of targeted groups. You classify your email contacts into several targeted groups based on shared traits. Segmenting your email contacts into categories enables you to send consistent messages to groups of people with similar characteristics.


Benefits of email list segmentation

Email marketing is highly successful because it is the most popular form of communication with customers and one of the simplest to measure outcomes. Segmentation ensures that you are only sending messages to the right people, i.e. solely to people in the list who are interested in that email. Let’s study its benefits as described below.


Increased open rates and reduced unsubscribe rates

Increased conversions and ROI

Decreased cost per click/email blast

Personalized content leading to improved customer satisfaction

Leads nurturing down the marketing funnel

Identification of untapped market opportunities


Email Segmentation Techniques

The top segmentation techniques that marketers use are:

Demographic Segmentation: Demographic segmentation helps you split your email list by sorting people as and where they fit based on age, gender, profession, location and income level. Dividing people into demographic categories makes it easier to segment your list. Because demographic segmentation is automated, it is one of the simplest marketing forms. Furthermore, it is one of the most effective ways to raise your open rates, click-through rates, and, eventually, revenues.


Geographic Segmentation: In geographic segmentation, the email list is segmented geographically based on where each person lives. You can split your email list by time zone, allowing you to send emails at a preferred time, no matter where your audience lives. Geographic segmentation is highly effective for local marketing. Businesses that provide goods or services exclusive to a neighbourhood, state, region, nation, or group of nations frequently employ this strategy.


Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation concentrates on the psychological traits of your email list. It primarily examines personality traits, lifestyle decisions, socioeconomic class, hobbies, interests, views, and attitudes, as well as other irrational influences on people’s decision-making. Marketers use this tactic to gauge how specific demographics will likely react to their messaging.


Behavioural Segmentation: Behavioural segmentation is data and customer profiling that distinguishes and identifies consumers based on their behaviours and preferences. It lets businesses target particular consumer segments with more relevant product offers, boosting the possibility of customer retention and loyalty.


Industry Segmentation: There may be occasions when you need to write emails to target potential clients in specific industries, such as in B2B firms. Segmenting your emails by industry, you may convey information pertinent to a particular sector and stop delivering these emails to recipients who have yet to show interest in that sector.


New Subscribers: You should segment your new subscribers separately as they have different needs from your existing customers. Segmenting your new subscribers allows you to make them feel more included when you build a list of them. The more at ease your subscribers are, the higher the possibility that they will interact with your brand on a greater scale.


Past Customers: You can also optimize targeting by grouping prior customers or past purchases into segments based on the goods they bought. You may get a good indication of the goods they are interested in by looking at their previous purchases. Considering this, you may develop marketing campaigns based on customers’ prior purchases. You may forecast your customers’ purchases by looking at their shopping behaviour. You can leverage this knowledge to upsell or cross-sell more goods or services that go well with their current purchase.


Website Activity: Another effective technique for learning more about visitors’ interests is to monitor website activities. You will know much about your customers using Google Analytics or another free service. Such tools tell you about their location, how long they remain on your site, which pages they visit, and other things.



Segmenting your consumer base gives you a chance to connect with them in a way that is relevant to them. By personalizing their experience, segmentation gives your subscribers the impression that they are valued customers. To conclude, segmentation eventually improves conversion rates.


Emails are useless unless they reach your users’ inbox. If your emails are going to their spam folder, your email marketing spends and effort are massive waste. Improve your email marketing ROI with Kenscio’s Email Deliverability Services. Get in touch with our experts to try our integrated email marketing.




Your Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Segmentation, Email Marketing Segmentation : The Ultimate Guide, Email segmentation: What it is and why you need it



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