

Omnichannel Marketing Strategy for Your Business

A hands-on approach is what customers want. It’s important to feel important and listened to. Today’s consumers, bombarded by ads and offers, prefer to spend their money and time with companies that treat them well, understand them as individuals, and consider their values. An omnichannel marketing strategy is designed for…

A Comprehensive 360-Degree Marketing Strategy Plan Aspects

‘Marketing,’ the oft-repeated jargon that businesses use and, without doubt, fundamentally one of the critical essentials of growth-driven strategies that companies have employed ever since trade began, remains the prime strategy when growth, expansion, sales, and exposure of the brand is concerned. Over the years, the process kept evolving with…

Key Metrics for Improving the Customer Experience

Current Landscape: Customer experience is becoming one of the most important aspects of digital transformation initiatives these days. Yet, many executives are still unclear about how they should measure customer experience. Here are four key metrics that can help organizations understand how to improve the customer experience. It isn’t just…

Tips to Optimize Your CDP Platform

An ideal Customer Data Platform captures data from both online and offline sources. It can capture data from websites, social media platforms, CRM, call centers, and mobile apps to name a few. A plethora of data enables marketers to make data-driven decisions throughout the customer journey. Optimizing your CDP platform…

Managing Single Customer View or 360 Degree View of Customer

Single Customer View (SCV), also called a “Golden Record” or a “360-degree Customer View,” is developed by combining customer interactions data from a variety of online and offline sources and then combining them to form a single, reliable record. A Customer Data Platform can help automate this process, also serving…

Providing the Best Customer Experience in an Omni-Channel Environment

We have transitioned from siloed multichannel to connected omnichannel in an instant. It calls for integrating online, offline, and other communication channels available for a business. Regardless of device or medium, engaging and providing services to members, consumers, partners, and constituents is now vital. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure…